September 10, 2024
 min read

Podcasting for Beginners: Where to Upload & Promote Your Podcast

Starting a podcast can be quite fun. Brainstorming, getting your first mic, writing the scripts, assembling your team, and deciding the music are all parts of an enjoyable creative process.

Starting a podcast can be quite fun. Brainstorming, getting your first mic, writing the scripts, assembling your team, and deciding the music are all parts of an enjoyable creative process. So enjoyable that despite occasional bumps, you might find it simple and smooth at times.

However, when it comes to distributing your podcast and sharing what you do, things might get a bit more complex. How do you make your content known? Choosing the right platforms to distribute and promote your podcast is crucial.

But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In today’s post, you’ll learn everything you need to know to make the right decision.

We’ll cover:

  • What are hosting & distribution platforms
  • Where to distribute your podcast
  • What are the best social media platforms to promote it

Ready? Let 's go.

What are hosting & distribution platforms

Hosting & distribution platforms are the ones where you will upload your episodes and choose the streaming platforms your podcast will be on. These platforms will allow you to upload the audio and choose the title, description and image that will be shown in the streaming platforms.

Some popular hosting tools are:

  • Podbean
  • Soundcloud
  • Buzzprout

Some of these tools also work as podcast streaming platforms as well. That is the case of Podbean and Soundcloud.

Once you set your podcasts information, distribution tools will publish your podcast in the streaming platforms you select.

But wait: not all distribution platforms offer to put your podcast on every streaming platform available. Therefore, you'll have to decide what streaming platforms to prioritize when choosing the hosting & distribution service.

How to Choose Where to Distribute Your Podcast

To choose the best streaming platforms for your content, you first need to consider your product and your target audience.

Ask yourself the following:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Are they active on social media?
  • What are their favorite platforms?
  • What are the best podcast platforms in the market?
  • Does your target audience use any of those podcast platforms?

For example, if your podcast is about the latest news in the fashion world, you'll likely post a lot on image-based social media platforms like Instagram or Pinterest. On the other hand, if your podcast is about politics, you'll probably want to make the most of Twitter, which is more geared towards those topics.

Podcasting vs. Non-Podcasting Platforms

You’ll find two types of platforms. Platforms that are oriented towards podcasting and platforms that aren’t, but that you could use anyways. Let’s dive into that distinction.

Podcast-Oriented Platforms

Some platforms were designed by and for podcasters. On them, you’ll find ratings, recommendation algorithms, hosting, playlists, and more. Everything is designed to get the most out of this format we love.

Platforms that Aren’t Podcast-Specific

In principle, these platforms were not intended to post podcasts. However, spontaneously, and thanks to some of their features, they became an interesting place to get a podcast in front of a broad audience. Sometimes, these platforms also open the possibility of adding audiovisual content to the podcast.

In the next section, we’ll dive into the most popular podcast platforms to have your episodes on and grow your audience as quickly as possible.

The Best Platforms to distribute your Podcast

We recommend:

  • Apple podcasts
  • Spotify
  • Google Podcast
  • Castbox
  • Soundcloud
  • YouTube
  • Twitch

In this section, we’ll share some key features about each platform, so you can decide which ones fits you best. Most podcasters share their content across several platforms, so you can choose more than one.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Apple Podcasts

If your audience is primarily located in the United States, Apple Podcasts is the first option to consider for posting your podcast. An absolute leader in the US podcasting market, some say you don't start until you post your episodes on Apple Podcasts.

If you make your podcast available on Apple Podcasts:

  • Listeners will be able to tune in from any Apple device quickly
  • You’ll be able to set up paid subscriptions

However, keep in mind that there will be countries where Apple devices aren’t as common as in the US. Apple Podcasts isn’t a good option for those markets.  


Spotify is very popular when it comes to streaming music, and since it launched its podcast features, the genre has been growing steadily.

Spotify has many features similar to a social network, such as the ability to follow other users and view their favorite content. This makes it easier for people with similar tastes to find new shows and gives you a better chance of organic audience growth.

Playlist building is very versatile, and the freemium model combines accessibility with monetization. However, you cannot design your own payment model. As an extra precedent, Spotify has a history of setting exclusive contracts with celebrity podcasters.

Google Podcasts

Google Podcasts is relatively new. It was founded in 2019, and it quickly climbed to the top.

It has an extremely minimalist, accessible, and intuitive interface. It doesn’t offer comments, likes, or playlists; just a single playlist.

The most significant advantage of Google Podcasts is its integration with Google. So, users can easily find your show from the Google SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). This can be incredibly beneficial for your SEO strategy.


Castbox lets users find new shows based on their interests.

Moreover, Castbox is a very versatile platform for podcasters because:

  • You can upload your recorded episodes or stream online radio. In fact, thousands of FM radios use Castbox as well.
  • It provides very in-depth analytics.
  • It offers several monetization options, such as Online Events, Ads and Sponsorships, or even creating a Premium Channel.


Soundcloud is one of the most open audio platforms on the market. It’s mostly known as the place where independent musicians can share their art with the world. Soundcloud is an option that won't ask for intermediation. And in the last few years, podcasters have begun to use it as well.

On Soundcloud:

  • You can make your podcast episodes available for download.
  • You’ll be able to sign up for SoundCloud Premier, the platform’s monetization program (eligibility requirements apply).


YouTube wasn't originally designed to host podcasts. But, this social network inadvertently became one of the most popular platforms for podcasting.

YouTube offers the following advantages:

  • The chance of reaching a massive audience of approximately 4.5B users
  • A very effective recommendation algorithm
  • A hyper-intuitive interface
  • Excellent interaction features that will greatly benefit your community-building efforts (comments, likes, subscriptions, memberships, live broadcasts with integrated chat)
  • Monetization through ads (or paid partnerships, made possible by your wide audience)

But, you’re likely to find a key challenge: There’s a high level of competition on YouTube. Not only would you have to compete with other podcasts but also with vlogs, tutorials, and countless other options. Therefore, you will have to put extra emphasis on your differentials.


Founded in 2011, this streaming platform escalated quickly. And, it’s now becoming increasingly popular for live streaming radio shows and podcasts.

Some of the benefits of Twitch are that:

  • It promotes a high level of interaction with the audience.
  • It’s a classic in the geek, gamer, and influencer community
  • You can (and your audience) can easily create and share content highlights
  • Thanks to Twitch’s culture and social features, once you reach a certain level of audience, you can reach exponential growth easier than on other platforms

One tricky issue with this platform is how to keep a backlog of your previous streams. Twitch saves your streams for a while but discards them in 30 days.

However, a common practice among users is to save the Twitch video file and then upload it to a video platform like YouTube. That way, you get the best of both worlds: the ultra-versatile live dynamics of Twitch and the interaction, outreach, and content longevity of YouTube.

The Best Platforms for Promoting Your Podcast on Social Media

Promoting your podcast on social media is always a good idea. However, the best option for your podcast will depend on your topics of interest and your audience’s profile. We recommend you have a presence on as many platforms as possible, even if you don’t use them as much. That way, you’ll secure your username on all of them and prevent people from posting in your name. As your audience grows, you’ll see which platforms work best for you.

In this section, we’ll share with you how to make the most out of:

  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Facebook

Let’s take a closer look.


Instagram is a visual journal for everyday people, creators, and brands.

On Instagram, you can take advantage of pictures and short videos and even broadcast your podcast live.

Plus, it offers different interaction options, such as:

  • Comments
  • DMs
  • Story replies
  • Mentions
  • Link clicks

Although these forms of engagement are somewhat limited compared to other social networks, this can be an advantage when it comes to leading your audience to certain calls to action.

We recommend you use Instagram to:

  • Create a library of episode highlights
  • Show your podcast’s behind-the-scenes and humanize your brand
  • Post a story letting your audience know every time you post a new episode.


Facebook was the leading pioneer of the social network boom. And it’s one of the largest social media sites in the world, with over 3B users.

On the plus side, Facebook’s user base is extremely diverse. People of all age groups spend considerable time on the platform doing everything from chatting with childhood friends to buying a book.

Yet, the biggest Facebook marketing challenge for your podcast will be to find a place within the incredible variety of interactions that occur on this site. It’s not about competing against other types of video/audio content. Here, you will be competing for attention against different types of activities.

We recommend you:

  • Create a Facebook page for your podcast.
  • Consider creating a Facebook group for your show (if your audience is receptive to your page).
  • Take advantage of Instagram and Facebook’s cross-posting tools to keep up with both platforms simultaneously.
  • Let your audience know every time you post a new episode.


Twitter is known as a platform for conversations.

Twitter is a great place to promote your podcast if:

  • Your content is related to current affairs or pop culture
  • Your podcast features guests with large Twitter audiences

The biggest Twitter marketing challenge is to avoid toxic controversies. Some Twitter users express strong opinions more aggressively than on other platforms. However, these users are a loud minority and shouldn’t interfere with your marketing plans.

Twitter Spaces is one of Twitter’s most exciting features. Spaces allow users to broadcast live conversations. And, when a user attends a Twitter space, their followers will see it above their timelines, which is practically a growth hack.

Spaces aren’t as robust as they could be. So broadcasting your podcast on Twitter isn’t a viable option yet. However, you can use Spaces as a marketing tool to connect with Twitter users and foster a community there.

Key Takeaways

In this post, we shared our favorite platforms to publish and promote your podcast.

There isn’t one platform that’s universally regarded as better than the others. So, we recommend you analyze your options and make a decision based on what you prioritize. Plus, these platforms aren’t mutually exclusive.

Regardless of your platforms of choice, we recommend you include video marketing in your strategy. A great way to promote your podcast and expand your audience is by uploading podcast videos with your episodes’ best moments.

With Audiotease, you can create professional podcast audiograms in minutes. No editing skills or expensive software required. Curious? Create your first video for free.

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